Hello Luis,

The application in the code zone are applications for XWiki Enterprise. 
They are not installable as XWiki Workspaces applications without some 
adaptation. If you have the time and the will to do that adaptation, 
there is a draft document about writing applications for XWS available 
It is not quite complete, so if you have any question about it, shout 
and I'll be happy to answer you.

What application do you specifically target ?

Note that in the future we plan to merge XWiki Enterprise and XWiki 
Workspaces applications development model through a much more powerful 
application manager, so this extra work will not be needed.


Luis Majano wrote:
> Is there a way to install extra applications to xwiki workspaces.
> I have it running under tomcat as a war and followed all the instructions.
> However, I would like to install some of the applications in the dev zone,
> but I can't, I don't see how?
> Any pointers?

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