
Yes, this is possible, also it's not a feature bundled with XWiki right 
now. We do that for backlinks, but not yet for the parent/children 
If you are willing to implement that, you have to register to document 
changes notifications. You can write a little groovy script in a wiki 
page that handles this. A good start point with XWiki notifications 
mechanism is 

Hopes this helps,

MrMela wrote:
> Hello everybody. I don't know if it is a stupid question but...
> I hava e page, called "Father" and his child, "Child"
> If I change Father's name to "Dad", then Child's parent remains Father, even
> if it does not exist anymore. Is there a way to automatically follow the
> renaming of the page, making Child's parent become Dad, as it happens with
> links?
> Thank you

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