I've improved slightly the translation app at http://l10n.xwiki.org
It now supports sorting per the translation keys both for the output (the file will be nicer looking) and when translating, which will make it easier to translate keys that correspond to the same module together.

In terms of status the great news is that we have the following language completed:

- English (obviously)
- French
- German
- Romanian

Translators might want to have a look at the "outdated" translations. These are the already translated keys that have in the mean time changed in the english language.
Outdated translations are available from the OutDated link of your language.

Review is also important. It gives a second chance to check translations. Also an already translated key that has been changed and not reviewed will not be taken into account until it is reviewed.
Review is accessible from the Review link of your language.

In any case I'm really happy with what we have achieve. We now have 4 complete languages and we can keep track of the changes.
We'll make sure this hard work is going to make it in 1.8 final release.

Thanks to all for the contribution and we welcome other volunteers to tackle the other languages.


Ludovic Dubost
Blog: http://blog.ludovic.org/
XWiki: http://www.xwiki.com
Skype: ldubost GTalk: ldubost

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