Hi Lewis,

On Mar 14, 2009, at 9:18 AM, Lewis Denizen wrote:

> Thanks Vincent (and sorry for the late reply!) - inlined my reply:
> On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 4:41 AM, Vincent Massol <vinc...@massol.net>  
> wrote:
>> Same here, the image syntax doesn't support relative paths.
>> I guess we could improve the link and image syntax to support paths
>> starting with "/" and then consider them as paths relative to the
>> context root. However it wouldn't work for relative paths such as
>> "../../some/path".
>> Right now we could easily add a XWiki API to get an absolute URL from
>> a relative one.
>> Note that you can still use the old syntax using the {{velocity}}
>> {{html}}<a href="..."...{{/html}}{{/velocity}} but that's not very
>> nice and it would be nice if it could be written using the new syntax
>> but was made to avoid using HTML... :)
>> Would recognizing references starting with "/" a good solution for
>> you? What do others think?
> I guess checking for "/" at the beginning would work, or maybe some  
> way of
> flagging it as a relative path would be even better (maybe something  
> like
> [[image:img.png||relative=true]]).  Not sure how feasible this is,  
> or if it
> would make sense to do so...

See the vote I've sent on this:

This won't be in 1.8 final but will be in 1.9M1.

> This is not correct. The html macro must contain HTML. This is not the
>> case in your example. You need this:
>> {{velocity}}
>> * this works - [[image:
>> http://localhost:8080/$xwiki.getSkinFile('icons/black-file.png<http://localhost:8080/$xwiki.getSkinFile%28%27icons/black-file.png
>> >
>> ')
>> ]]
>> * this doesn't work - {{html}}<img src="$xwiki.getSkinFile('icons/
>> black-file.png')"/>{{/html}}
>> {{/velocity}}
>>> It seems that the HTML Macro's final filter parses this last test
>>> case as 1
>>> BulletedListBlock and 1 XMLBlock, but I'm not sure if this the
>>> expected
>>> behavior.  If this is the expected behavior, the more need to get  
>>> the
>>> [[image:]] tag working...
>>> Thanks again for the great job!
> Hm...  kind of makes sense but, what does the wiki=true flag do,  
> then...?

It means that HTML element content can contain wiki syntax as in:
<element>text with wiki syntax here</element>

> It's also a bit problematic for me since I have the following (posting
> everything, since this might be useful for others as well):
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> {{velocity}}#set($serverClassFullName = "Server.ServerClass"){{/ 
> velocity}}
> {{velocity}}#set($serverDocumentSQL = "select distinct doc from  
> Document as
> doc, doc.object(${serverClassFullName}) as obj where obj.name <>
> '${serverClassFullName}Template'"){{/velocity}}
> {{velocity}}#set($serverDocuments =
> $xwiki.queryManager.xwql($serverDocumentSQL).execute()){{/velocity}}
> There are currently {{velocity}}**${serverDocuments.size()}**{{/ 
> velocity}}
> document(s) containing Server objects.
> {{velocity}}

Why do you repeat the velocity macro several times? You can wrap all  
the macros into one single velocity macro.

> {{html}}

This one can also be in the top level velocity macro.

> <table id="serverList" class="grid sortable filterable doOddEven">
>  <tr class="sortHeader">
>    <th class="selectFilter">Space</th>
>    <th>Class</th>
>    <th>Server</th>
>    <th class="unsortable noFilter">Link</th>
>  </tr>

Note that in the future we've planned to add filterable/sortable  
tables in the new table syntax directly.

>  #foreach($serverDocument in $serverDocuments)
>    #set($serverObjectSQL = "select obj.hostname, obj.prettyName,
> obj.urlRoot, obj.hostName from Document as doc,
> doc.object(${serverClassFullName}) as obj where doc.id =
> ${serverDocument.id}")
>    #set($serverObjects =
> $xwiki.queryManager.xwql($serverObjectSQL).execute())
>  <tr>
>    <td>${serverDocument.space}</td>
>    <td>${serverDocument.name}</td>
>    <td>
>      #foreach($serverObject in $serverObjects)
>        #set($server = $listtool.get($serverObject, 0))
>        #set($serverPrettyName = $listtool.get($serverObject , 1))
>        #set($serverURLRoot = $listtool.get($serverObject, 2))
>        #set($serverHostName = $listtool.get($serverObject , 3))
>        * ${serverPrettyName} - <a href="${serverURLRoot}"><img
> src="$xwiki.getSkinFile('icons/black-file.png')" alt="Root URL"  
> title="Root
> URL" /></a> <a href="${serverHostName}"><img
> src="$xwiki.getSkinFile('icons/black-rss-mini.png')" alt="Host Name"
> title="Host Name" /></a>
>      #end
>    </td>
>    <td>[[${serverDocument.name}>>${serverDocument}]]</td>
>  </tr>
>  #end
> </table>
> {{/html}}
> {{/velocity}}

This looks good.

> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> This will list out all the properties of Server.ServerClass for all
> documents that contain a Server.ServerClass object in it.  I got  
> this to
> work by replacing the XWiki list syntax with:
>    <td>
>      <ul>
>      #foreach($serverObject in $serverObjects)
>        #set($server = $listtool.get($serverObject, 0))
>        #set($serverPrettyName = $listtool.get($serverObject , 1))
>        #set($serverURLRoot = $listtool.get($serverObject, 2))
>        #set($serverHostName = $listtool.get($serverObject , 3))
>        <li>${serverPrettyName} - <a href="${serverURLRoot}"><img
> src="$xwiki.getSkinFile('icons/black-file.png')" alt="Root URL"  
> title="Root
> URL" /></a> <a href="${serverHostName}"><img
> src="$xwiki.getSkinFile('icons/black-rss-mini.png')" alt="Host Name"
> title="Host Name" /></a></li>
>      #end
>      </ul>
>    </td>

It should work fine with the "*" as in the first example. If you could  
reduce your example to the strict minimum and create a jira issue for  
it that would be great.

> ...  but again, not the most ideal.  I also tried ending the  
> {{html}} tag in
> the middle of the table, but that just became really weird.  I guess  
> custom
> tables like these still have to be written out in pure HTML :-(

You'll be able to write them in HTML once we have the sortable/ 
filterable stuff in for table in wiki syntax. I hope we'll have time  
for that in 1.9.

> But, the new XWQL engine works veeeeeery nice :-D

cool :)


> Thanks again for the help :-)
> -- Lewis
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