
Some days ago, I put a ticket about pb managing the users by Admin.
This ticket is closed : the MySQL connector on my platform was not at the
right version for DBMS.

My ticket did not describe yours, but ...

Hope this help.

|         |                               |
|         |                               |
|         |                               |
|         |                               |
|         |           Manfred             |
|         |           <manonin...@gmail.co|
|         |           m>                  |
|         |           Envoyé par :        |
|         |           users-boun...@xwiki.|
|         |           org                 |
|         |                               |
|         |                               |
|         |           07/04/2009 21:18    |
|         |           Veuillez répondre à |
|         |           XWiki Users         |
|         |                               |
  |        Pour :      users@xwiki.org                                          
  |           cc :                                                              
  |          Objet :   Re: [xwiki-users] XEM1.8 cannot add new users/groups via 
Admin                                     |


Have setup XEM 1.8 on Ubuntu 8.04 LTS, using MySQL, Jetty container and Sun
Java 5.5

All seems to be relatively well as far as I can tell, can create pages, new
wikis, import applications, do a calendar, blog, etc

However I cannot add users or groups in the admin panel - I can only login
as the default Admin user.

On the page

when I enter a new group name - e..g Administrators and click on the create
new group button I get a "loading" message what appears to be some sort of

and then nothing - can wait for hours but no usergroup is ever created.

I have the same issue with creating a new user.

Then if I go to the "index" quicklink I get the same "loading" message but
nothing ever loads.

If I go to the tree page it shows me


and no tree.

How can I fix this? I'm guessing they're related in some way.

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