Jonas Almfeldt wrote:
> Hi,
> On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 1:58 PM, Marius Dumitru Florea 
> < <>> 
> wrote:
>     Hi Jonas
>     Jonas Almfeldt wrote:
>     [snip]
>         Where can I find those templates? in the .war file or in the
>         database?
>     Yes, in the war, in templates directory. Have you changed
>     editwysiwygnew.vm or wysiwyginput.vm?
> No haven't.
> I have now deployed the same .war file in both environments and the 
> instance running in Tomcat works fine with the rendering in the wysiwyg 
> editor, but the instance running in WAS environment does not. :-(
>     [snip]
>            This means the XWiki syntax is no converted to XHTML before
>         loading
>            the editor. Can you try a simpler example just to be sure? For
>            instance to this:
>            * edit a new/empty page
>            * type a word like "bug"
>            * select the word
>            * click the bold button on the tool bar
>            * save and edit again
>            Do you get **bug** in the WYSIWYG editor? If so, then cancel the
>            edit. The "bug" is in bold in view mode right? Then please append
>            "xpage=wysiwyginput" to the query string of your URL and tell
>         me the
>            output. For instance:
>          http://localhost:8080/xwiki/bin/view/Sandbox/Test?xpage=wysiwyginput
>            I suspect the output is **bug** right?
>         Yes, the output is: **bug**\\
>            Now if you append also "render" like in:
> http://localhost:8080/xwiki/bin/view/Sandbox/FF?xpage=wysiwyginput&render
> <http://localhost:8080/xwiki/bin/view/Sandbox/FF?xpage=wysiwyginput&render>
> <http://localhost:8080/xwiki/bin/view/Sandbox/FF?xpage=wysiwyginput&render
> <http://localhost:8080/xwiki/bin/view/Sandbox/FF?xpage=wysiwyginput&render>>
>            is the "bug" in bold?
>         No :-(  the output of ...?xpage=wysiwyginput&render is still:
>         **bug**\\
>     Can you try this:
>     * edit a NEW page with the Wiki editor and past this content:
>     -----8<-----
>     {{velocity}}
>     #set($mydoc = $xwiki.getDocument("Sandbox.FF"))
>     $mydoc.getRenderedContent($mydoc.content, $mydoc.syntaxId)
>     {{/velocity}}
>     ----->8-----
>     * replace Sandbox.FF with the space and the page where you wrote
>     **bug**. Save and view. What does it display? I get:
>     <p><strong>bug</strong></p>
> I also get:
> <p><strong>bug</strong></p>

Then something wrong happens in wysiwyginput.vm template. This is what I 
have . Can try the following:

(1) Replace line 16 with

#set($content = "**nobug**")

and refresh the page containing "bug". What the output if you append 
xpage=wysiwyginput&render to the query string of the view URL?

(2) Revert the previous change. Replace line 28 with

#set($content = $tdoc.getRenderedContent("**nobug**", $tdoc.getSyntaxId()))

and refresh again. What's the output now?


>         Some additional details:
>         The WAS 6.1 jvm has java version 1.5.0 btw.
>         My local Tomcat runs with the JRE of jdk1.5.0_08.
>         I also forgot to mention to the list that this problem is not
>         specific to 1.8.1. It happens when I test with 1.8 also. (same
>         wiki db content used, created with 1.8 stable and the 1.8 XAR
>         archive as a base).
>     [snip]
>     Thanks,
>     Marius
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