On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 8:42 PM, Dennis Coonich

>        Amazing - was just looking into embedding applets into xwiki for
> streaming media from local or remote sources.  You beat me to it.  I
> would still like to integrate homegrown java ee applets, jsf and other
> java technologies.  Can you point me to some good reference material?  I
> teach java swing and java ee courses but have not looked at all into the
> depths of xwiki's framework(s).
>        Again - amazing work.

Thanks! That was sort of the "demo"/proof-of-concept version... i'm working
on an update that should be more useful, and with 500+ NPR feeds including
affiliate stations, a better selection/search mechanism using Exhibit ( e.g.
http://simile-widgets.org/exhibit/examples/presidents/presidents.html ),

Wr/t your applet question, here's what I've found, and why I didn't bother
with applets:  Bottom line: applets cause problems and user complaints.
Flash doesn't.

For example: there's potential  issues with IE & Java,  if you use JMF in
your applet (
then you need to specially install the JMF jar on your browser (
The lack of an easy "one click" means of install (like w/ flash) to
JMF and Java installed multiplatform and consistently -- is a showstopper.

At least for windows and IE, there's the "JMF Windows Performance Pack":

> Microsoft IE with the JMF Windows Performance Pack and you still see this
> message, then its possible that you don't have the latest Microsoft Java VM
> for IE installed. Please visit http://www.microsoft.com/java and install
> the latest Java VM for your browser.

http://www.flumotion.net/cortado/ is sort of typical with what happens with
video and applets. The page for the applet states to look at
http://www.flumotion.com site to see the applet in action. And yet, all the
video playing on the company's site is now done with flash and they're no
longer using the applet.

If you get anything working and integrated with Xwiki for media applets,
please share. The more the merrier.

What would be best is to have an overarching "smart" mechanism for detecting
media playback capabilities, and determining the most optimal strategy
"dynamically" based on client platform/plugins and media type/quality of
streaming media for display.

On Apr 10 I alluded to this in a message "integrating media streaming with
xwiki? (was Re: [xwiki-devs] Problems with scripting)" (
http://www.mail-archive.com/d...@xwiki.org/msg08533.html )

It would be nice to have a truly abstract streaming media macro that would
> implement the same generic API for streaming media within Xwiki. The macro
> would determine at run-time, whether the browser is enabled with specific
> plugins needed to display a specific media type (such as the VLC moz
> plugin); if not available, the macro would dynamically switch-in the
> flash-based equivalent for people using IE or who don't want to install the
> VLC moz plugin. For example given a "mp4", the macro would first attempt to
> use VLC, on failure it might try the platform's browser-embeddable media
> presenter if media-compatible (e.g. MS windows media), and would finally try
> a "generic" flash player such as the Jeroen "JW" Wijering players (
> http://www.longtailvideo.com/players/ ).

Due to the near ubiquitous installation of Itunes/Quicktime on most
mac/windows systems -- the ability to automatically detect Quicktime plugin
presence in the browser and determine if media is compatible would be a
great feature to have in this "abstract/smart streaming macro"

-- Niels
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