Youlian wrote:
> Hello
> I am trying to promote xwiki use in the healthcare organization I work at.
> The biggest hurdle is the IT department, sometimes I feel like they want to
> sabotage all my efforts just for fun. After months and months of waiting,
> they finally provided me with a server, accessible from outside the
> hospital, the problem is that logging in is borked. My browser (latest
> firefox) shows "Loading..." as the tab header and the dot's circle forever. 
> The status bar shows "Connected to", but the Log-in
> screen stays on.
> The local version works fine, but I absolutely want it accessible globally. 
> My xwiki version is "XWiki Enterprise 2.0-milestone-2.22241", the data store
> is MS SQL Server
> Apache Tomcat/5.5.17          1.6.0_14-b08
> Now the IT guys say they have no clue as to what the problem is, and I have
> to fix it myself, which I can't do. Any suggestions are GREATLY appreciated.

Can you tell me the public URL, to try to see what's wrong?

Sergiu Dumitriu
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