Hi I'm trying to make a page creation dialog. For the sake of clarifying
my question here are the things I would like to do

1.       On creation of a new page/object there have to be two
attachments. Preferable with standardized names.

a.       So I was thinking of a dialog like "upload attachment 1" and
"upload attachment 2", and save them as attachments in the page with
name 'att1' and 'att2' regardless of their original filenames. 

b.      Before they get saved, I must resize them due to copyright
protection. And save the original sized attachments someplace where only
admins/privileges user access them.

2.       A few fields needs to be filled out (not a must, but should be
best practis to do at this point).


For 2. I have created a normal class, template and sheet. 

But for 1. I've a little lost.

Should I write some kind of velocity or groovy script or do I need to
write a new plugin or  application?

Especial the name mapping and the fact I would like to save the same
upload different places bugs me, but there must be a simple solution?

Where or how would I save a attachment so only admins can see it? On the
same page (constraints on download link, protected attachment)? Create a
shadow Space.page? Or all in one page? (there will be 12000 +



Anny help, thoughts or other suggestions are most welcome

-Rune (pulven)



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