
Bubulina wrote:
> Hello,
> I found this link :
> http://code.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Modules/WysiwygEditorModule. It is an
> useful one, but if i wanna edit more than one html element(in this case
> textarea that has the id="demo") then it does now what to do.
> i tried making an array of "hookedIds" but that does not help either.
> my case scenario is something like this:
> "i have a table with multiple <input type="text" .. or textarea . they are
> grouped in a table(which had an id..thinking that if all elements are
> integrated in an table that has an id i am doing a step forward..quess not).
> each field has an id because when i press Edit i wanna edit all those
> elements from the table, except some labels lets say. So, folowing the
> example from the link above i tried, made a table, created input types and
> labels. just like a normal table. i gave ids to all the elements that i
> wanna edit later on. then when i call the editor on load in javascript, i
> have this variable there:hookId. this one can receive only one id?. my scope
> is to add as many ids as i need to so that when i press the edit button to
> be ablet to edit those   "

You need to instantiate as many editors as text-areas-to-be-replaced you 
have. In other words, each WYSIWYG editor instance replaces just one 
text area. That's why when you configure a WYSIWYG editor instance you 
specify just one hook id. So if you have:

<textarea id="foo"></textarea>
<textarea id="bar"></textarea>

in order to replace both you have to wrote something like:

Wysiwyg.onModuleLoad(function() {
   new WysiwygEditor({hookId:'foo'});
   new WysiwygEditor({hookId:'bar'});

Of course, it's more elegant if you mark all text areas to be replaced 
with a CSS class like:

<textarea id="foo" class="richtextarea"></textarea>
<textarea id="bar" class="richtextarea"></textarea>

and then have:

Wysiwyg.onModuleLoad(function() {
   $$('.richtextarea').each(function(textArea) {
     new WysiwygEditor({hookId:textArea.id});

Note that in case you want to edit properties of XWiki objects then it's 
easier to use the wysiwyg_editProperties velocity macro.

Hope this helps,

> this is a long shot, but it's my best idea yet. if you think there is
> something wrong in the logic, please tell me. did anybody ran into such
> stuff? 
> thank you
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