Question and Answer;
Op 1 jan 2010, om 00:45 heeft Sergiu Dumitriu het volgende geschreven:

On 12/31/2009 01:58 PM, Sergiu Dumitriu wrote:
> On 12/31/2009 01:00 PM, Gerritjan Koekkoek wrote:
>> I've migrated a application from xwiki 1.7 to xwiki 2.1.1
>> The process i've executed is started with a clean distribution of
>> xwiki2.0
>> If configured the wiki to multi language and that registration is
>> required
>> Use of email verificatiion to "Yes"
>> Check Active fields for authentication to "Yes"
>> I've manually copied the scripts of welcome and confirmation to the
>> Validation e-mail content and Confirmation e-mail content
>> After that i've exported the wiki and importing the XAR; making sure I
>> did not overwrite any document in XWiki space.
>> Testing the registration gives the following result (we use gmail as
>> SMTP service)
>> User registers and receives the request for validation; result OK
>> User clicks on the link to activate the account
>> The website shows up OK
>> but the validation fails with message;
>> "There was a problem validationg your account, please contact a
>> administrator"
>> The link in the email is the following;
>> Since i'm hosting the site at i have no access to the file
>> system to check if the key is as expected from xwiki.cfg file
>> How to solve; help greatly appreciated
> Just tried to register a new account, and noticed that the activation
> key is stored as a hash in the database, although it is expected to be
> plain text in the code. This means that the XWikiUsers class must be
> changed so that the Validation Key property has PlainText storage type.
> This means that all users who tried to register while this hash was
> active will have to re-register with a different account.
If this implies I have to  ask all registered users to register again, this is 
not an option!
Or do you mean only the new users on the new 2.1.1 system? (not a problem at 
I've imported all the users of the 1.7 instance to the new 2.1.1 instance since 
my question as submitted
This also explains why "AnneKoekkoek" was 'active'; this is because i overwrite 
with the import the not activated account
I've tested some of these imported users, did not give a problem to login or 
wrk with the system 2.1.1

Changing the xwiki class xwikiusers does sound like a tricky exercise; I 
submitted a question about this class two, three days ago...
I wonder what will happen if you export users that are created on a certain 
class definition of xwikiusers and import them into a 
xwiki with a new defined or changed class defenition of xwikiusers (by example 
the type of the hashkey?)
> This should be fixed on our side too, so that the validation code also
> works with hashed keys.


> That particular user (AnneKoekkoek) seems to be activated already (try
> logging in),
Explained above...
> but the activation key in the object is different than the
> one from the mail. This means that somewhere a different key was generated.
Explained above; I think you see the key of the 1.7 instance; and in the mail 
the key was generated by the 2.1.1. instance

What is the best way
-Change the class definition of key to plaintext (if this implies asking all 
existing users to re-create a new account, this is not a option)
- Change the code of the validation script; can I do that my self? I need some 
instruction on how?

Sergiu Dumitriu
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