Hi Claudio,

ccoreggioli wrote:
> Hi all,
> got few more infos. I opened the editor with active debug, i report what's
> inside the four windows below the editor in this file:
> http://www.gidi.it/debug.odt
> http://www.gidi.it/debug.doc

First of all thanks for your investigation. The behavior you experience 
is caused by the fact that the HTML content is not properly serialized 
before being submitted. The real question is: what prevents the editor 
from properly serializing the content on IE7?

Let me give you a few technical details to understand what happens. When 
you edit a wiki page its content (XWiki 2.0 syntax usually) is rendered 
to XHTML and fed to the WYSIWYG editor. This XHTML input is a bit 
special because it contains some meta data in form of XML comments. In 
order to protect this comments during editing the editor moves them 
inside attributes (thus the metadata attribute). Before the content is 
submitted the editor moves back the meta data from attributes to XML 
comments. "Before the content is submitted" usually means "when the rich 
text area looses the focus".

After the HTML content (the editor output) is submitted it is cleaned 
and then converted to wiki syntax. It looks like the cleaner messes up 
the content if the meta data is not restored (i.e. the metadata 
attribute is present) but this is not the problem because the metadata 
attribute shouldn't be present in the submitted content.

Now two questions:

(1) Does this happen if you switch to Source tab instead of clicking 
Save & View ?

(2) Does this happen on IE8 with IE7 mode? (you can change the mode from 
Tools/Developers Tools and click on "Browser Mode: IE8" and choose 
"Internet Explorer 7")


> thanks a lot!
> claudio
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