I am using xwiki 2.1.1 and i am having problem with livetable and a simple
custom class.
Here is my code:

#set($collist = ["Customer", "Responsible", "TargetDate", "Activities", 
"priority", "_actions"])
#set($colprops = {

  "Customer" : { "type" : "text" , "size" : 20, "link" : "edit"},
     "Responsible" : { "type" : "list" , "class": "XWiki.XWikiUsers"},
     "TargetDate": { "type" : "date" ,"sortable":"true", 
"displayName":"Target Date"},
     "Activities" : { "type" : "text" },
      "priority": {"type": "number" },
     "_actions" : {"actions": ["copy","delete","rename","inline"]}
#set($options = { "className":"Task.TasksClass",
                   "rowCount": 15 })
#livetable("alldocs" $collist $colprops $options)

It displays three documents, but as soon as I click on one of the other 
columns to sort the table, it gets empty.

For the allDocumentsSnippet it works.
I have no carriage returns or quotes in the fields that are to be displayed.
I tried with different options and also only two fields (customer and 
priority): the same happens.

Is this a known bug or did I misunderstand the livetable macro?

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