Hi Raphaelle,

On Mar 5, 2010, at 9:18 AM, raphaelle wrote:

> Waiting the correction of the bug you can correct it now by modifying the
> file contentmenu.vm of the template you use, you look for the word "copy",
> you'll find:
> #if( $xwiki.hasProgrammingRights())
> #submenuitem($doc.getURL('view', 'xpage=copy') $msg.get('core.menu.copy')
> 'tmActionCopy', '')
> #end
> and you delete the lines before and after that prevent it to be displayed
> you must get:
> #submenuitem($doc.getURL('view', 'xpage=copy') $msg.get('core.menu.copy')
> 'tmActionCopy', '')
> so that every user has access to the copy.

That won't work. The reason for these lines is because the copy code thereafter 
requires programming rights (PR) so this code is just to ensure that users with 
no PR don't see the copy action menu since it would fail.


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