
your screenshots remind me of a problem I had one month ago configuring 
public xwiki access
for my local installation.

I finally solved it by modifying the <VirtualHost> section of the httpd 
deamon which serves
all my incoming internet traffic.

Although my situation may not apply in detail to yours it might be a 
"hint" for further research with
your system administrators.

Heres the link:

best regards


Colesnicov Eugen schrieb:
> I have a strange situation in my wiki. Some of elements at a standart
> wiki-pages are damaged. For example - Main.Spaces, all user profiles,
> Blogs.WebHome and many-many others (but not all). You can see how they are
> damaged on a attached images.
> http://n2.nabble.com/forum/FileDownload.jtp?type=n&id=4992332&name=UserProfile_damaged.png
> http://n2.nabble.com/forum/FileDownload.jtp?type=n&id=4992332&name=Spaces_damaged.png
> This situation exists on fresh XWiki installations on all versions (I tried
> XWiki starting from 2.0), different servlets (I tried jetty & glassfish),
> different DB (I tried Oracle & HSQLDB & MySQL).
> I started to analyze situation. Interest, but when I use local server
> address (http://localhost:8080/xwiki) - all is ok, problem shows ONLY if I
> connecting through my internet domain name (http://mysite.com/xwiki).
> I started to compare html-generated code and found, that function getURL
> returns different strings! When I addresses through
> http://localhost:8080/xwiki getURL returns /xwiki/bin/view/ColorThemes/ with
> class="wikilink". But when I adresses through my site getURL returns
> http://mysite.com/xwiki/bin/view/Main/SpaceIndex?space=ColorThemes with
> class="wikiexternallink".
> If I put option {{html wiki="false"}} - these links are ok, but another
> portions of code (where using wiki-syntax inside of html) started to
> damaged.
> Ok - I can one-by-one for all pages put {{html wiki="false"}} and change
> wiki-syntax inside of html for a truly html ... I already did it
> successfully for a Main.Spaces. But pages with same problems quite enough
> ...
> Maybe exists another variant? How to say absolutely for a getURL function to
> returns internal link? Or maybe problem with my site config? Unfortunately,
> site-configuration is not under my control ... My Xwiki server placed inside
> internal local network domain, and exists "link" between my XWiki-Server and
> address on a external site (which is hosted on another server, another
> network). How this "link" is configured - I don't no. I only said for
> external-site administrators internal path (http://servername:8080/xwiki) -
> and they did link. If it is problem with external-site address config - I
> need to say something for administrators what need to change, because now
> all looks like that problem is with programming code of XWiki ...
> Thanks beforehand!
> Eugen

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