In our organisation we are looking to implement Xwiki, my choice. A
discussion came up about manging how information gets stored and
linking it. A discussion came up about managing the information  
written to the wiki leading to the use of ontologies to determine what  
data the business has.
What I want to know is what does Xwiki or the wider community have to  
handle Ontologies and semantic web planning and organisation. One of  
the ideas being discussed is the idea of having the ontologies as part  
of the Wiki to allow people to determine where and how to link  
information when creating documents.

I found a German site on semantic web that seems to have Xwiki in its  
sights but I didn't locate the actual pieces to install, although it  
does look good in the screen shots.  

Any assistance is appreciated. I am still understanding what we need to do


Peter McLarty
Senior Consultant, Pacific DBMS Pty Ltd

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