On 05/19/2010 10:47 AM, Guillaume Lerouge wrote:
> Hi Felix,
> On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 00:42, Meng Wu<meng...@yahoo.com>  wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> We've been having browser caching problems for attachments where users have
>> had to wait hours before their data would be updated in xwiki.For IE, for
>> example, killing all instances of IE, restarting the browser, and then
>> visiting the attachment is a solution to this problem. We basically need a
>> way to add a Cache-Control header when the server responds to the attachment
>> link. Is there a way to prevent caching of the URL for attachments in the
>> web browser by changing the config files, or by changing something in the
>> xwiki code?
> A solution I've implemented is to change the template that serves
> attachments to add the revision number at the end of the attached file
> download link (in attachmentsinline.vm
> ):
> <span class="name"><a
> href="$doc.getAttachmentRevisionURL(${attach.filename},
> ${attach.getVersion()})"
> title="$msg.get('core.viewers.attachments.download')">#packName($attach.filename)</a></span>
> Guillaume

This has the advantage that it still allows caching while the document 
version is the same, which is good for performance, but it has the 
disadvantage that it needs template changes, which is problematic for 
upgrades. The best way to prevent problems is to attach the modified 
template to the skin document (XWiki.DefaultSkin by default).

Another option is to configure this in the front-end (Apache HTTPD 
settings, if you use such a front-end).

Sergiu Dumitriu
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