I    Hello,

I have installed Xwiki for my company, and wanted to disable the "blog".
It seemed that I cannot do that so I decided to *delete the blog space. *

I have read that in order to delete a whole space I have to delete all 
files in it so I did it, but the blog space is still there, empty with a 
"?" shown at the end.

I have searched through the internet and found someone had the same 
problem as me. The answer of the admin was :

/"The reason is that there are some hidden documents in some spaces 
(like in the Blog space for example). We need to fix this. In the 
meantime, one solution (which is a pain I agree) is to go to that hidden 
page (you can use Ctrl + M to navigate) and delete it from there."
So I wanted to delete those hidden files but I can't find them :S
Can someone explain me how to show the hidden files and delete them ?
I can't understand where to go and use Ctrl+M to navigate :S

I have an other issue :        *I tried to rename a space but didn't 
succeed *:S

I have searched through the internet adn found this piece of information :

/"If you want to rename a full space, see the /Space Rename Snippet./."/
(source : http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Features/Spaces
& http://code.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Snippets/RenameSpaceSnippet)

So I tried it but this /Space Rename Snippet/ is a xwiki code 1.0 and 
our xwiki is a 2.0 version , so the Snippet doesn't work :/

So I tried to find a 2.0 version of the /Space Rename Snippet/ code but 
without any success.
If someone has it or any solution to change the name of a space I'm 
listening :)

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