On 06/10/2010 01:05 PM, Dalluege, Pierre (extern) wrote:
> Hi Sergiu, hi xwiki users,
> No, the centos5.5 runs with x11 and gnome.

Then, this is strange. The stack trace says that a class was not found, 
which means that you don't have some jars in the classpath. How did you 
install XWiki? Did you use the standalone .war? Then, you need to add 
some more jars. I'd suggest that you try not from the standalone war, 
but the enterprise war ( 
). Does this suggestion help?

> Pierre
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sergiu Dumitriu [mailto:ser...@xwiki.com]
> Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2010 12:21 PM
> To: XWiki Users
> Subject: Re: [xwiki-users] Issue with the stats module
> On 06/10/2010 11:14 AM, Dalluege, Pierre (extern) wrote:
>> Hello xwiki users (&   friends),
>> At the xwiki I enabled stats at xwiki.cfg but calling the stat modules
>> fails for all graph stuff.
>> You may review http://m2m.fm:8080/xwiki/bin/view/Stats/ (version
>> 2.3.1)
>> And the result for monthly/yearly/all-time stats is as follows.
>> Already seen?
> One thing comes to mind: is this a linux server with no X11? Try making
> the jvm headless.

Sergiu Dumitriu
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