On 07/15/2010 04:55 PM, Carlos Correa wrote:
> One of the users of the xwiki server (*nix) that I'm helping with has
> an interesting feature request. He wants a wiki page with a listing of
> Microsoft Office files that are in a unix directory. He wants to be
> able to click on one of the file names and have it download.
> I don't know enough about xwiki to know how to cause a download to
> occur on the user's side. The only solution I can think of is
> attaching the files to the page and scripting regular updating (which
> is very clunky). Is there a more elegant way to cause downloads to
> occur on the user's end without adding the file as an attachment?

Well, XWiki is a java application, so the easiest thing to do is to 
write a Java component that does this. Assuming you have a recent 
version of XWiki, you should:
- write a scriptable service which can list the files on the filesystem; 
should be a ScriptService component if you're targeting XWiki 2.3 or 
later, or a VelocityContextInitializer for earlier; see 
http://code.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Modules/ComponentModule for general 
documentation about components
- write a servlet or a struts action which can be used to retrieve the 
contents of the file; make sure you're not creating a security hole, 
check the absolute path requested by the user; a good example would be 
- register the above servlet/struts action in web.xml, respectively 

Sergiu Dumitriu
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