On 07/16/2010 07:48 PM, xManish wrote:
> Sergiu Dumitriu-2 wrote:
>> XWiki authenticates using cookies. You could duplicate the code that
>> adds the right cookies
>> (com.xpn.xwiki.user.impl.xwiki.MyPersistentLoginManager#rememberLogin)
>> into your application, and XWiki will automatically see them and login
>> the right user. Don't forget to remove those cookies on logout
>> (#forgetLogin).
> Hi,
> Thankyou for the reply. I tried to reuse the code from
> (com.xpn.xwiki.user.impl.xwiki.MyPersistentLoginManager#rememberLogin)
> I found that it requires two variables to be set beforehand, which I believe
> would come from xwiki.cfg. These are
> this.secretkey and this.validationkey
> So, I tried to instantiate them myself in myProject
> for secretkey, I did following
> byte[] theKey = stringToHex("secret").getBytes();
> KeySpec ks = new DESKeySpec(theKey);
> SecretKeyFactory kf = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("DES");
> this.secretKey = kf.generateSecret(ks);
> Since validationkey was just a string, I did following
> this.validationKey = "validt";
> Then I edited the xwiki.cfg file of my xwiki installation
> xwiki.authentication.validationKey=validt
> xwiki.authentication.encryptionKey=secret
> After loggin into the system, I found that cookies are set. However that
> user aren't automatically logged in xwiki.

I'm not sure what the format of the keys should be, but trying your keys 
ends up with an error in the logs:

Error: java.security.InvalidKeyException: Wrong key size

Actually, it says this in xwiki.cfg, above the keys:

#-# Cookie encryption keys. You SHOULD replace these values with any 
random string,
#-# as long as the length is the same.

So you should generate keys with 32 characters.

> I'm sure I've been missing something in the process.
> Can you please looked into it and identify it.

Sergiu Dumitriu
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