Hi Kaya,

On 09/03/2010 04:04 PM, Kaya Saman wrote:
> Thanks so much for the advise!!
> I did manage to get it and compare with the Text editor as I prefer to
> write pages in it, since scripting and adding velocity code + html etc..
> is easier.
> This is the result:
> [[[[image:pluginsweb.png]]>>attach:plugins.png||rel="__blank"]]

this is actually a bit overdone by the automatic generation of wiki syntax.


should do the job just as well, as long as you don't want to have params 
for the image as well (in which case you need the [[ ]] around the image 
and its parameters).

The idea is that:
1/ you can have links to attachments with attach:<attachmentreference> 
-> when the target of a link is an image file, the browser will just 
display you the image in its actual size.
2/ you can have wiki syntax in a link's label (image:<imagereference> is 
wiki syntax)

combining these (and others) you can achieve various results.

You should see the XWiki Syntax Help (which you can find in the right 
column when editing in your wiki) for more details on what / how can be 
done with the wiki syntax (if you prefer it over the wysiwyg).

> Pretty neat I must say :-)
> Although to admit, XWiki is quite complex for a non-web guy with not
> much experience in CSS, web scripting or coding. Hopefully soon I will
> learn much more as it is really interesting and hats-off to all
> developers and the XWiki team for creating such a cool beast. I know
> that at the moment I'm probably taking the scenic route towards many
> things and with more experience could derive simple scripts, macros, or
> velocity code to actually get what I want done in a one-liner but even
> so it's pretty cool!!!


Have fun,

> Regards,
> Kaya
> On 03/09/2010 15:59, Anca Luca wrote:
>> On 09/03/2010 03:54 PM, Anca Luca wrote:
>>> On 09/03/2010 03:31 PM, Kaya Saman wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I've attached 2 images to a page of which I want to have the smaller
>>>> image (web image) displayed on the actual page but when clicked on a
>>>> larger image appearing.
>>> This is actually quite simple:
>>> edit page in wysiwyg
>>> go to image menu, say insert image, select the small image and insert it
>>> in the page
>>> click the image in the wysiwyg (so that you select it)
>> you know it's selected when it has the little square handles around the
>> corners (which you'd normally pull to change size of image)
>>> go to link menu, create link to attached file
>>> select the large image to link to it
>>> say ok (save).
>> actually this button is "Create Link"
>>> Save the page, you should now have a link to the large image under the
>>> small image.
>>> Is this doing what you want to do?
>>>> The other thing I was considering to do would be to float the larger
>>>> version of the image over the smaller one when the mouse cursor roles
>>>> over the smaller image. Sort of like on the Google search engine if you
>>>> understand what I'm tying to say??
>>> If I understand correctly what you're trying to say, this one would
>>> require a bit of javascript coding to implement this display of larger
>>> image on hover.
>>> Happy xwiki-ing,
>>> Anca
>>>> I've had a look here:
>>>> http://code.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Macros/ImageMacro
>>>> which looks interesting but then I read through this:
>>>> http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Features/Attachments
>>>> which states that the *image macro* isn't needed needed anymore when
>>>> using XWiki 2.0 syntax.....
>>>> I am a little confused as to how to go about this.
>>>> It is quite easy to create a new page and attach the larger image in
>>>> there but I think that defeats the purpose no?? Basically it's the wrong
>>>> way of doing things I feel??
>>>> Any advise would be really great.
>>>> Thanks!!
>>>> Kaya
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