Hi - 

I am using XWiki Enterprise 2.0-milestone-1.21570. 


I am attaching files that are between 1-10 MB into the wiki, and when I
check it right after upload and attach, the file downloads properly.
However, later on, like the next day, I get an error when clicking on
the link "no template exist".  I try to click the link again and the doc
downloads, but it is 0 bytes.  


I did some searching through the mailing list archives, and saw a note
about increasing the max_packet_size in MySQL.  Our default size is
16mb.  Is there anything else we need to check or do to make sure the
attachments continue to exist properly?  Beyond upgrading, that is.




Kelly Lakas

Project Manager


next wave logistics inc.

28377 Davis Parkway, Suite 607A

Warrenville, IL 60555


 [web]     www.nwlinc.com <http://www.nwlinc.com/> 

 [office]   847.798.8897

 [cell]     312.307.2079


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