Sorry I left "Error number 4001 in 4: Error while parsing velocity
page"... This is NOT the current issue. The current issue is the upload
for XAR does not add it to the available packages.

On Fri, 2010-10-29 at 16:46 -0600, Ken McWilliams wrote:
> I have a new XWiki installation on Windows XP, Glassfish 3.0.1 Xwiki
> version xwiki-enterprise-web-2.5.war, MySQL 5.1.35
> The Issue:
> I have a new empty wiki... on the page :
> http://IPADDR:8080/xwiki/bin/import/XWiki/XWikiPreferences
> Which says : "Your wiki seems empty. You may want to import the default
> XWiki Enterprise wiki which..."
> So in the dialogue box I browse to a downloaded backup of the wiki in a
> xar file and try to import it but it returns back to the main screen as
> if nothing happened (it does seem to upload but it is not listed as an
> Available package after this.  So I then try to default set of pages at 
> and this does not work either.
> I've set up Xwiki successfully before (although the other installation
> was on linux) and it went without issue.  
> As a clue I was getting this error first:
> Error number 4001 in 4: Error while parsing velocity
> page /templates/importinline.vm Wrapped Exception: Failed to evaluate
> content with id [/templates/importinline.vm]
> I noticed that I needed to start up the windows Glassfish service
> manually... So I changed the user to be the Administrator account (Under
> options for the Windows Glassfish Service) and then the template error
> went away... Go figure... anyways the above error prevented the file
> upload dialogue from even appearing but now... there is this issue. 
> Any suggestions? Other than not using Windows ;) because I tried that
> suggestion already.
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