Hi Ricardo,

On 11/10/2010 11:59 PM, [Ricardo Rodriguez] eBioTIC. wrote:
> Sergiu Dumitriu wrote:
>> On 11/10/2010 02:32 PM, [Ricardo Rodriguez] eBioTIC. wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> Following these lines in the panelheader macro un macros.vm...
>>> #macro(panelheader $title)
>>> #set($cookieName = "${context.user}_${panel}")
>>> #set($expanded = $xwiki.getUserPreferenceFromCookie($cookieName))
>>> #if(!$expanded)
>>>     #set($expanded = 'expanded')
>>> #end
>>> I understand that the default value, expanded, for XWiki panels is set
>>> there. This code says:
>>> 1. Set the name of the cookie that fixes the expanded/collapsed state
>>> for a given user and panel.
>>> 2. If this cookie exists and it has this preference set, it takes the
>>> value from it.
>>> 3. If fails to get the value from the cookie, set the value as 'expanded'
>>> Thus, all panels are shown expanded by default and, to the best of my
>>> understanding, setting:
>>>     #set($expanded = 'collapsed')
>>> Must show all the panels closed.
>>> I'm not able to get this working. Please, where am I wrong?
>> It should work (just tried it locally), but changing macros.vm requires
>> that you restart the server, since the macros are loaded at startup and
>> cached.
> Thanks, Sergiu. I've done such an amount of trials that I do need to
> confirm the process step by step to avoid mess up things.
> Yes, it does work. If I #set($expanded = 'collapsed') and restart the
> server, all panels are shown collapsed by default.
> BUT, they are showed collapsed each time a refresh the page: the cookie
> is not able to "remember" their state. It does work if $expanded =
> 'expanded', but it doesn't work if $expanded = 'collapsed'.
> I'm making trials with e XE 2.6-SNAPSHOT.32286

> Could you figure out why? Thanks!

Because XWiki.togglePanelVisibility (xwiki.js) assumes expanded is the 
default state and doesn't store a cookie when the panel is expanded 
(actually, deletes the cookie when the panel is expanded).

Please open a JIRA issue ( 
http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XWIKI/component/10022 ) and I'll take 
care of it.


> Ricardo
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