On 11/30/2010 10:39 PM, Tomas Grunt wrote:
> And could I use there data from MySQL db through sql plugin? I have looked
> for this usage but did not find it.

Yes, as long as you provide your custom results page. You can adapt, for 
example, XWiki.AllAttachmentsResults or XWiki.DeletedDocuments.

> 2010/11/30 Jerome Velociter<jer...@xwiki.com>
>> Hello tomasg,
>> If you want to have dynamic sorting and filtering, you should rather
>> use the LiveTable component/macro
>> Checkout :
>> * http://code.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Macros/LiveTableMacro
>> * http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/DevGuide/LiveTable
>> Cheers,
>> Jérôme
>> On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 1:17 PM, tomasg<tomas.gr...@gmail.com>  wrote:
>>> Hello, I would like to know whether is possible refresh table data when I
>>> change column for sorting.
>>> Now, when I click to sort by some column, table is sorted with actual
>> table
>>> data, not with all data. I expect that is needed to add "order by" to sql
>>> query, but what else should I add?
>>> If this is not possible could I use livetable with data from sql query?
>>> Thank you
>>> Here is my code:
>>> $xwiki.ssfx.use("js/xwiki/table/table.css")
>>> $xwiki.jsfx.use("js/xwiki/table/tablefilterNsort.js", true)
>>> #connectDbTEP($dbc)
>>> #countRooms($pocetMistnosti)
>>> #set($paginationParameters = {
>>>     'totalItems' : $pocetMistnosti,
>>>     'defaultItemsPerPage' : 15,
>>>     'url' : $doc.getURL('view', $queryParams)
>>>   })
>>>   #pagination($paginationParameters)
>>> <table  id="searchResults" class="grid sortable doOddEven">
>>>   <tr class="sortHeader">
>>>     <th>Místnost</th>
>>>     <th>Zodpovědná osoba</th>
>>>     <th class="unsortable">Operace</th>
>>>    </tr>
>>>    #foreach($row in $dbc.executeQuery("select id_room, mistnost, prijmeni,
>>> jmeno from room, osoby where room.id_os = osoby.id_os limit
>>> $paginationParameters.firstItem, $paginationParameters.itemsPerPage"))
>>>    <tr>
>>>     <td>  $row.getString("mistnost")</td>
>>>     <td>  $row.getString("prijmeni") $row.getString("jmeno")</td>
>>>     <td>
>>>        EditRoom?id_room=$row.getLong(
>>>        DeleteRoom?id_room=$row.getLong(
>>>     </td>
>>>    </tr>
>>>    #end
>>>    </table>
>>>   #set($discard = $paginationParameters.put('position', 'bottom'))
>>>   #pagination($paginationParameters)

Sergiu Dumitriu
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