On 06/12/2011 05:39 PM, Gerritjan Koekkoek wrote:
> Hi
> (XWiki 2.7.2)
> I've defined a class with a property defined as DatabaseList
> It's a multi select
> The Hibernate query is:
> select ata.filename
>   from XWikiAttachment as ata,
>         XWikiDocument as doc
>   where doc.fullName ='CdLSAssociations.FlagAttachments'
>     and doc.id = ata.docId
> order by ata.filename
> This works fine, when I create a new object of this class I can select 
> multiple fileNames
> My questions;
> I would like to strip the filename extension from the ata.filename (ar.png => 
>  ar)
> I was trying a substr(ata.filename,1,2) does not work
> How do I do this?

In theory you could use something like this:

select ata.filename, substring(ata.filename, 0, locate(ata.filename, 
'.')) from XWikiAttachment...

But only in theory. There's a bug in the DBList query processor that 
breaks that.

> Second, I wonder if it is possible to add a second collumn to the query that 
> uses a translation table
> like
> select ata.filename,
>             $msg.get(ata.filename) as translatedName

This can't work. There are two languages involved here, Velocity and 
HQL, and they don't mix in real time.

>   from XWikiAttachment as ata,
>         XWikiDocument as doc
>   where doc.fullName ='CdLSAssociations.FlagAttachments'
>     and doc.id = ata.docId
> order by translatedName
> and use in the class property defenition the ID Field name and Value Field 
> Name
> Any help is highly appreciated

I'd recommend that you write a custom displayer for this field, instead 
of relying on the default display. You should use the first, simple 
query that just retrieves the attachment names, then create you own 
display that substrings the extension for the displayed option label.

Sergiu Dumitriu
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