On 10/12/2011 04:01 AM, coldserenity wrote:
> Hello,
>    Thanks a lot for 3.2 Release!
>    From the good things I've noticed, the full text search indeed returns
> more relevant result - especially the look-up in search.

Please report anything you still don't like with the search results. 
Adjusting the scoring mechanism isn't something that can be precisely 
done without real word experiments, so real feedback is much appreciated 
(and needed).

>    However when doing an upgrade (from 3.1) I saw a weird exception
> 2011-10-12 07:57:54,556
> [http://localhost/xwiki/bin/view/XWiki/WatchListRss?xpage=plain&outputSyntax=plain]
> ERROR .x.x.s.XWikiHibernateBaseStore - Failed updating schema while
> executing query [alter table activitystream_events_param
>> s add index FKB94E2E7C763934E1 (eventId), add constraint
>> FKB94E2E7C763934E1 foreign key (eventId) references activitystream_events
>> (ase_eventid)]
>> java.sql.SQLException: Can't create table
>> './xwiki_utf8/#sql-dd6_11c9e.frm' (errno: 150)
>    I did not notice anything broken (well, except that work-spaces menu item
> did not show-up, but I guess some configuration must be done to enable it).
> Is it ok just to ignore this exception?

Weird, it doesn't look like code problem, but more like a database one. 
(Google pointed me to http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=25596). Can you 
provide the full stacktrace for this + mysql version?

To answer your question, the activitystream_events_params table isn't 
important yet, it's not used by default, so yes, you can ignore the 
error for the moment, although we'd like to fix it.

>    Regards,
> Roman

Sergiu Dumitriu
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