Apologies for the spam, but I have a solution for what was happening -
unsure if this falls under the category of "bug" or just poor
development on my part (probably the latter), but will report it
either way, in case it helps someone.

The class sheet contains code to display a button for each object on
the page that allowed the user to delete that object. The button's
onclick uses location.href to call an /objectremove/ URL  for the
current object. This works fine while in view mode, but when in inline
mode, clicking that button both fails to delete the object and
converts all the TextArea properties into aforementioned mess.

A couple lines of code to suppress displaying the "delete" button
unless in "view" mode seems to have solved my problem for the time


On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 2:34 PM, Ashtar Communications
<ashtarcommunicati...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Additional info:
> The "change" in the page is recorded in the version history - so it is
> at least possible to rollback to a previous version of the page. This
> must mean the user is doing *something* to result in all the objects
> being corrupted, but I can't replicate this on my own. One version,
> everything is fine - the next version of the page, it's wrong.
> Comparing the versions just shows all the properly rendered text
> crossed out, replaced with the wiki-syntax mess.
> thanks,
> aaron
> On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 1:33 PM, Ashtar Communications
> <ashtarcommunicati...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am experiencing an error where data saved in properties of attached
>> objects to a page seems to be displaying incorrectly, and seemingly at
>> random.
>> I have a custom class defined with multiple properties, including a
>> TextArea with the editor set to WYSIWYG. Users create new objects of
>> this class attached to a page, and paste various information into the
>> WYSIWYG box in inline edit mode, usually from Microsoft Word.
>> The properties of each object are then displayed on the page in view
>> mode, including the TextArea. This works correctly a high percentage
>> of the time - the text pasted from Word correctly displays after the
>> WYSIWYG editor converts it to wiki syntax.
>> However - on occasion, when you look at the page, the content of that
>> property displays as one long paragraph, with embedded xwiki syntax
>> code that is displaying as code rather than rendering into html. This
>> appears to be destructive - once an object starts displaying in this
>> fashion, I can't get it to go back to displaying correctly. Whether in
>> view mode or in the wysiwyg editor, there is just a block of text with
>> wiki syntax and no line breaks.
>> As an example:
>> 1) User clicks a button to add a new object to the page, and is taken
>> to edit mode
>> 2) User pastes text from Word with embedded heading and style info
>> into the WYSIWYG editor in inline mode, then saves
>> 3) The page then displays the object in view mode - it appears with
>> correctly rendered headings, which have been translated from Word into
>> wiki syntax, opaquely to the user
>> 4) After a while, the user goes back to the page and sees the object
>> displaying as:
>> (% style="border: 3pt solid windowtext; padding: 1pt 4pt;" %) ((( =
>> HEADING 1 = ))) (% class="MsoNormal" %) == HEADING 2 == ==== Heading 4
>> text ==== (% class="MsoNormal" %) (% class="StyleStyleBold12pt"
>> style="font-size: 13pt;" %)text(%%)more text text text (%
>> class="StyleStyleBold12pt" style="font-size: 13pt;" %)7-28(%%)even
>> more text, text, text(% class="MsoNormal" %)
>> Etc...etc...etc... for pages at a time of wiki syntax with no line
>> breaks. Going back to inline edit mode, the same text appears in the
>> WYSIWYG editor.
>> This is a serious problem for me, since users are inputting lots of
>> data, seeing it display correctly, and coming back later to find their
>> data completely unreadable.
>> Does anyone have any idea what's going on or how to fix it?
>> Thanks,
>> Aaron
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