
I'm trying to upgrade from XE 3.1M2 to XE 3.3-RC1 and I am facing an
exception that I can't figure out how to solve. I've set up my xwiki.cfg
activating both updateschema and store.migration flags. I've also enabled
class isolation on my Jboss 4.2.3. I'm running my Xwiki instance on
Postgres 8.3, and the xwiki's hibernate config file is configured properly.
When I try to first call the instance, I got these exceptions. It seems
that data or schema migration are not working for any of the xml pages.
Could you help me?

1) The error is:

com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiException: Error number 3 in 0: Could not
initialize main XWiki context
Wrapped Exception: Error number 3201 in 3: Exception while saving
document xwiki:XWiki.XWikiUsers
Wrapped Exception: Error number 3211 in 3: Exception while updating
archive XWiki.XWikiUsers
Wrapped Exception: Error number 0 in 3: Exception while hibernate execute
Wrapped Exception: could not load an entity:
version2=6, version1=1}]

2) Then in Jboss log I got these info when starting the xwiki instance
(I took off the timestamp and xwiki path garbage info):

WARN  o.i.m.DefaultCacheManager      - ISPN000156: You are not
starting all your caches at the same time. This can lead to problems
as asymmetric clusters are not supported, see ISPN-658. We recommend
using EmbeddedCacheManager.startCaches() to start all your caches
WARN  o.h.u.DTDEntityResolver        - recognized obsolete hibernate
namespace http://hibernate.sourceforge.net/. Use namespace
http://www.hibernate.org/dtd/ instead. Refer to Hibernate 3.6
Migration Guide!
INFO  .AbstractXWikiMigrationManager - Current storage version = [0]
INFO  .AbstractXWikiMigrationManager - List of migrations that will be executed:
INFO  .AbstractXWikiMigrationManager -   R4340XWIKI883 - See
INFO  .AbstractXWikiMigrationManager -   R4359XWIKI1459 - See
INFO  .AbstractXWikiMigrationManager -   R7345XWIKI2079 - See
INFO  .AbstractXWikiMigrationManager -   R15428XWIKI2977 - Add a GUID
to existing objects when upgrading from pre-1.8M1.
INFO  .AbstractXWikiMigrationManager - Running migration
[R4340XWIKI883] with version [4340]
INFO  .AbstractXWikiMigrationManager - New storage version is now [4341]
INFO  .AbstractXWikiMigrationManager - Running migration
[R4359XWIKI1459] with version [4359]
INFO  .AbstractXWikiMigrationManager - New storage version is now [4360]

INFO  .AbstractXWikiMigrationManager - Skipping unneeded migration
[R6079XWIKI1878] with version [6079]

INFO  .AbstractXWikiMigrationManager - New storage version is now [6080]
INFO  .AbstractXWikiMigrationManager - Skipping unneeded migration
[R6405XWIKI1933] with version [6405]
INFO  .AbstractXWikiMigrationManager - New storage version is now [6406]
INFO  .AbstractXWikiMigrationManager - Running migration
[R7345XWIKI2079] with version [7350]
INFO  .AbstractXWikiMigrationManager - New storage version is now [7351]
INFO  .AbstractXWikiMigrationManager - Running migration
[R15428XWIKI2977] with version [15428]
INFO  .AbstractXWikiMigrationManager - New storage version is now [15429]

3) And then the error exception (many of these arises):

WARN  o.h.u.JDBCExceptionReporter    - SQL Error: 0, SQLState: 22003
ERROR o.h.u.JDBCExceptionReporter    - Bad value for type long : <?xml
version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


<contentAuthor>XWiki.superadmin</contentAuthor> ...

So, when xwiki reads the xml's pages during startup, the first line of
all them seems to not to be expected for the migration class.

Thanks a lot.


Ramon GB
skype: ramongb
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