Hi XWiki users,

In 2009 we launched a survey on xwiki.org about features would like to have in 
XWiki in priority:

The results were published here:
- http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Blog/Features+Survey+Results
- http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Blog/FeatureStatus20120119

The idea is to do that same with a new survey in order to give us some 
information to prepare our XWiki 4.x roadmaps.

Thus it would help us a lot if you could go the following URL and answer the 
survey there:

Please answer as soon as possible since the earliest we get feedback the 
earliest we can start using it to decide what's put in the roadmaps! :)

Results will be published on xwiki.org.

-Vincent on behalf of the XWiki Committers

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