
> ________________________________________
> From: users-boun...@xwiki.org [users-boun...@xwiki.org] On Behalf Of Trevor 
> Russ [tr.w...@telus.net]
> Sent: 06 April 2012 16:26
> To: users@xwiki.org
> Subject: [xwiki-users] XWiki feedback
> We chose XWiki back in 2009 as our wiki solution and we had successfully set 
> up a complete farm of 4 wikis.  I have been following the progress of
> XWiki since then, but unfortunately it was never utilized by our team, mostly 
> because the users did not want to invest the time in learning a
> new WYSIWYG editor.  In the end I was the only one who used it so the time 
> has finally come to shut it down and look at an alternative solution
> -- perhaps a simple document manager.  I saw a lot of potential in XWiki for 
> our purposes, but didn't quite have the time to sell it to the others.

I was thinking a bit about this comment. In general, it is hard to introduce 
any change in the workflow of an organization... if any exists! Concerning 
XWiki, our take is don't consider it as a "simple" colaborative environment for 
text construction and edition. This is a huge simplification about what XWiki 
can offer. XWiki is a complete development framework for online "extrem 
development" of applications.

Collaborating the XWiki way is not just a facet of the collaborartion 
environment of an organization. It can easily be promoted to be THE way things 
are done: ubiquitous access through port 80/443, registered changes, trustees 
assignment... allow any organization to define and implement access, use and 
content creation policies with unprecedent easiness.

> Before I remove myself from the mailing list, I just wanted to put forward 
> one comment as feedback: don't discount
> the learning curve that confronts users new to the wiki.  Many of them are 
> proficient in their ways of editing documents
> (which usually means MS Word) and don't have the time to invest learning new 
> document formatting tools.
> If you want to capture a larger share of the market, look at ways of 
> integrating with users' favourite editors;
> I think that would go a long way.
> You have a very impressive product, and I've been amazed at the level of 
> commitment and professionalism
> that has gone into this wiki.  Thanks for everybody's efforts and best of 
> luck going forward.

Let me to hijack this thread to add my own two cents on this comment! Even 
though I'm not able to follow XWiki development in all its extent, I'm lucky to 
be still able to keep it working here and to have each day some more people 
appreciating what thinking the XWiki way can do for our team!

Thanks to everybody!

> Trevor

Trevor, I do think you must not remove yourself from this list! At least you'll 
be able to know what kind of issues users are facing!


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