Hi All,

I dont the *Invitation* space visible for any user . Basically i want no
user should be able to do any operation*( including should not be able
search any page inside invitation space) *on invitation space .

*What i tried for this*
I tried blacklisting the invitation space  with following code snippet in

*#if ($hasAdmin || $isAdvancedUser)
  #set ($blacklistedSpaces = ['Invitation'])
  #set ($blacklistedSpaces = ['Import', 'Panels', 'Scheduler', 'Stats',
'XAppClasses', 'XAppSheets', 'XAppTemplates', 'XWiki', 'WatchCode',
'WatchSheets', 'XApp', 'WatchAdmin', 'Watch', 'ColorThemes',

what it does only is Invitation space is not visible on dasshboard.  *But
still i can do search for all pages inside invitation space  and navigate
to invitation space.*
What i also tried is denying all rights on invitation space for all users.
But still users can searc the pages inside invitation space.

*Kindly let me know the configuration to restrict any activity(including
search) on Invitation space.*

Last option i can think of is delete the invitation space but i don't want
to go this way keeping in mind it may be required in future.

Thanks in advance
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