Hi Merlin,

On May 15, 2012, at 5:41 PM, Merlin Olivier wrote:

> Hello,
> On the xwiki  3.2, we have decided to use the virtual xwiki  (multi-tenant) 
> feature as it should be better for scalability and performance
> http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/AdminGuide/Virtualization
> "Each wiki has its own database schema, thus allowing for a complete data 
> separation between the different wikis in the same instance.
> The main advantage of multi-tenancy is performance optimization."
> Problem:
> The main wiki has a relative good level of performance - with a response time 
> around 2.5 second to browse a page
> So we are in the xwiki database
> But when we are in a virtual wiki (another schema ) - the performance are 
> very poor.
> The average response time is around 5 seconds  per page !!! So at list 2 
> times slower.
> We are using MySQL and glassfish 3.1 - and we have done tuning on the MySQL 
> database and glassfish.
> We have used a profiling tool and see that the request send to the virtual 
> environment are raising a big amount of exception ...
> The problem is not on the database part (even if they are many SQL calls to 
> visualize only one page)
> The problem seems really to be on the virtual environment configuration OR in 
> a file corruption ...
> I have attached the exception list . (exception_list.xls)
> From this is it possible to know if we have an installation issue ??
> Does someone have experience of very good performance with xwiki  ? ( 
> response time #1second per page)
> In that case

I can tell you fore sure that there's no performance issue with multiwikis. 
Each wiki has its own DBs so it's really fast.

Maybe you don't have indexes set on the subwikis? I think we started setting 
them automatically in XE 3.2 but it's worth checking, see:


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