
I try to install extension "Batch Import API" with Extension Manager:

1st try:
Resolving extension [Batch Import API 1.0] on namespace [wiki:xwiki]
Applying INSTALL for extension [Batch Import API 1.0] on namespace [wiki:xwiki]
Failed to get fields for class
because the class [Lau/com/bytecode/opencsv/CSVReader;] couldn't be
found in the ClassLoader.

1/ I suppose that Extension Manager works like maven and so is able so
solved dependencies.
Am I wrong?

2/ If extension manager managed dependencies, I suppose that "Batch
Import API" need some dependency declaration.
IMO, extension like "Batch Import API" provided as jar should have
dependency declaration to be tagged as "Installable with Extension
Manager" in Extension pages

2nd try after manual installation of openCSV in WEB-INF/lib
Resolving extension [Batch Import API 1.0] on namespace [wiki:xwiki]
Applying INSTALL for extension [Batch Import API 1.0] on namespace [wiki:xwiki]
Failed to get fields for class
because the class [com/xpn/xwiki/plugin/excel/ExcelPluginException]
couldn't be found in the ClassLoader.

3/ "Batch Import API" page wrong information.
>From extension page, I understand that Excel plug-in is not mandatory,
from installation, it looks to be mandatory: X-CONTRIB-183


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