Hi guys :)

"Creators" are OK with either approach ;)
We're glad that it's not only us who make use of the macro :)

I have put "not compatible" with 4.x, because the macro refused to work on our 
4.2 installation. After investigation it turned out that for some reason JS 
extension's "Use this extension" property (of the macro page) was set to "On 
demand" instead of "Always", so it should be updated as well in the repository. 

-----Original Message-----
From: users-boun...@xwiki.org [mailto:users-boun...@xwiki.org] On Behalf Of 
Vincent Massol
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 17:24 PM
To: XWiki Users
Subject: Re: [xwiki-users] Tabs Macro

Hi Jeremie,

On Feb 26, 2013, at 3:38 PM, Jeremie BOUSQUET <jeremie.bousq...@gmail.com> 

> Hello,
> I've been using the Tabs Macro [1], and have some feedback on it.
> First a very positive because I really like that macro ;-)
> But ... :
> - in extension page [1], it is said that it's not compatible with 4.x, 
> though I use it without any issue on a 4.4.1 instance.
> - only issue I have (already with XE 3.x) is that several empty lines 
> are added BEFORE the tabs.
> The empty lines consist of 5 lines of :
> <div class="wikimodel-emptyline"></div>
> To fix the issue, I updated the Macro.TabsMacro macro code, there was 
> a misplaced empty line in it:
> ///// BEGIN //////
> {{velocity}}
>    $xwiki.jsx.use("Macro.TabsMacro")
>    #set ($tabsSortedMapString = $context.macro.params.idsToLabels)
>    ## split incoming string into 2 velocity arrays
>    #set ($tabMapEntriesStringArray = $tabsSortedMapString.split(','))
>    #set( $tabIdsArray = [])
>    #set( $tabNamesArray = [])
>    #foreach($tabEntryString in $tabMapEntriesStringArray )
>        #if ("$!tabEntryString" == "" )
>            ## ignore null or empty (see
> http://wiki.apache.org/velocity/CheckingForNull)
>        #else
>            #set ($tabEntryArray = $tabEntryString.trim().split('='))
>            #if ($tabEntryArray.size()!=2)
>                {{error}}Parameter $tabEntryString is not a valid 
> key=value pair in the provided map: $tabsSortedMapString{{/error}}
>            #else
>                #set ($addResult =
> $tabIdsArray.add($tabEntryArray.get(0).trim()))
>                #set ($addResult =
> $tabNamesArray.add($tabEntryArray.get(1).trim()))
>            #end
> (*)
>        #end
>    #end
> ## generate tabs (**)
> {{html}}
> <div class="floatcontainer">
> ///// END /////
> I had to remove line marked with (*), and add 2 empty lines right 
> after (**). This result in having only 1 empty line added before the 
> tabs, which is not perfect but better.
> As I didn't find a JIRA project for this macro, I'm posting it here ...


What would be great Jeremie is if you could contact the creators of the Tabs 
Macro extension and ask them if they're ok to publish their project on 
xwiki-contrib (or on their own github which we would fork in xwiki-contrib's 

Alternatively what you could do, is simply set up a project in xwiki-contrib 
based on the published 1.0.1 sources and just let the original creators know 
about it (this is possible since the sources are under LGPL).



> BR,
> Jeremie
> [1] http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Tabs+Macro
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