On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 4:35 PM, Mark Jas <m...@nieuwenborg.nl> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have configured xwiki with LDAP authentication and kerberos SSO.
> When I use a browser without automatic Kerberos SSO, I get a keberos login 
> page. When I fill in username and password manually it works great.
> But when I set the browser to use automatic logon, I get the xwiki login 
> page! (at least in FireFox, IE says “cannot show page”)
> I get the same results when I manually login with “username@DOMAIN” and 
> “password”.  So I think the domain part is used in the automatic logon. (and 
> is the actual problem…)
> I see there is java code that strips the @DOMAIN part from the username. But 
> I have no idea how or where to implement this. I hope some can help me!

I never used it myself but from what I see in the code it's supposed
to do that all the time. Maybe there is a bug.

You can try to enable debug log[1] for class
(that's the authenticator you are using, right ?) to see what's going
on. At least ou should get what remote user XWiki is getting if any.

[1] http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/AdminGuide/Logging

> Mark
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