On Mon, Apr 22, 2013 at 8:17 PM, Valdis Vītoliņš <valdis.vitol...@odo.lv> wrote:
> I'm working on shortening Xwiki instance URLs
> (see details in http://odo.lv/Recipes/XwikiShortURLs_en )
> and strangely I can't do it for newer Xwiki instance
> (it works for odo.lv which uses 2.7 version).
> I found out that HTML is broken, when proxy server rewrites hyperlinks for 
> preduced XHTML
> (SetOutputFilter proxy-html
> ProxyHTMLURLMap /xwiki/bin/view/ /
> direcives in apache2.conf)
> Then it changes ...<body id="body" class="wiki-xwiki space-Main viewbody
> hideleft">... to simple ...<body>... element without attributes.
> Only weakly related thing I found is that could be related is:
> http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_proxy.html#proxybadheader

> I suspect it somehow is related on how header is finished and body is started.

We have web standards validation tests that ensure the HTML produced
for the default wiki pages (at least) is valid, so I believe this is a
bug in the proxy filter. You can pass the HTML produced by your wiki
page to an XHTML validator like http://validator.w3.org/ to double

Hope this helps,

> Can you suggest any ideas?
> Thanks!
> Valdis
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