Le 14 oct. 2013 20:58, "Vincent Massol" <vinc...@massol.net> a écrit :
> On Oct 14, 2013, at 6:56 PM, Eduard Moraru <enygma2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 6:53 PM, Vincent Massol <vinc...@massol.net>
> >
> >>
> >> On Oct 10, 2013, at 2:55 PM, Hamster <teun...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> >>
> >>> vmassol wrote
> >>>> Can you explain what you mean exactly? :)
> >>>
> >>> Why don't "we" open a "XWiki Site" and start posting all our questions
> >>> there?
> >>>
> >>> Nothing ventured, nothing gained…
> >>
> >> Because as it's mentioned, it's not easy. People will vote in Area51
> >> only the most requested will be open.
> >>
> >
> > Yes, but sleeping in a burrow does not improve our chances of getting
> > visibility of the project, does it? Neither does creating our own new
> > underground establishment. If we plan on moving or doing anything in
> > direction, maybe the "forest" is where the action happens :)
> I see 3 main reasons to move away from a mailing list for the users list:
> 1) Make it extra easy for users to post a question without being
Posting without being registered could be an issue, unless you require an
email address, a captcha or both. It's then already more complex than
sending a (crappy) email from your phone ;)
> 2) Provide visibility for those who answer questions (i.e. earn points
and rankings) and as a consequence especially who are the experts
That is tough, not the implementation, but the way to make it meaningful
and not frustrating... Some answers can be complex and require time to
find, though in general they have the same weight than the "copy paste
link" answer ( very good also, but less demanding). I find that systems
that allow identifying the "best answer" are more useful.
> 3) Allow closing topics to know which one do not have a satisfactory
answer so that people who wish to help know which threads they can help on
Not so easy either, who's in charge ? (If the requester forgot to put
"solved" in subject)... That could be large extra-work, to have this be

All those are great, but based on my (intranet and limited) experience,
nothing is more easy than sending a mail. And the added-value of those
features is useless if people do not use them, which you cannot force them
to do.

(Ot : closing topics requires some thinking, many different possibilities
Forums are close and great, but somehow they are different and usually
require more moderation activity. There are also a bunch of nearly empty
unmoderated zombie forums on internet...

That being said I struggled against mailing lists at my office, seeing them
as the most archaic way of sharing. But at the same time, they proved to
work far better than the more sophisticated solutions... I can't really
compare, different targets.

> IMO those are our main 3 use cases.
> Then we can evaluate the options we have to fill those use cases:
> A) Try to get a site on area51
> B) Install a stackoverflow clone in our infrastructure (see
> C) Develop a solution based on XWiki
> D) Other
> I don't like A) because the chances to get it is about 0.1% and even more
important I strongly dislike the way they manage stackoverflow (I'm not
able to provide answers to questions because at one point in the past I
answered a question by sending a user to a URL that gave the exact answer
to his question)… As a result this prevented me about 4-5 times from
answering a question for which I knew the answer… There's also the question
of not owning our own data.
> C) is a lot of work but it could be possible because Jeremie is working
on a use case relatively close to it. And the "eat our dog food" is quite
nice and we can learn stuff in the process. XWiki fits nicely with the use
case of a "Q&A site" IMO. It should be relatively easy to start with a
simple QA app and progressively enhance it.

For me qa is different, and better be faq (possibly extracted from the list
though it's difficult).
For sure, if you add "reply" to the archive I work on, you're not far from
a forum app. And you can "build" on it by adding nice features. But one
should not forget that it's built on a mailing-list, and people only
dealing with the "raw" emails should not get lost in the process (thinking
here of all non standard formatting tags some UIs like to add in emails
text... If you want formatting in emails, do HTML....).

For the mail archive, I have more time to work on it these days... But
remaining work is quite big.

> The "easiest" is probably B). For fun I'm trying
http://bitnami.com/stack/osqa locally.
> Thanks
> -Vincent
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