Thank you. That answers my question. I will look into the scripting macros. I 
suspect Groovy would give a similar experience. 
BTW: I have been trying a few things out with includes, and I  am rather 
annoyed at the inability of accessing the included part and editing it from 
including page. If I edit an including page all I get is the include macros. 
Which makes sense in a way, but in MediaWiki you can get around it by having 
section editing of headings that bring you to the actual page... Section 
editing does not seem to anything of worth in XWiki. 

I can probably rig a solution with navigation structures where you click to 
access the included page(s), but holy major annoyance, Batman.
Anyway, thanks for replying.

> Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2013 23:02:03 +0200
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [xwiki-users] Conditional transclusion
> You can use the Velocity macro,
> , and you can check if the old version exists with
> $xwiki.exists($oldDocReference), see

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