The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki 5.3.
This release comes with a new syntax guide and brings improvements to
the Solr search, multi-wiki support and the Wiki Stream module. You
can now choose the user scope (local, global or both) and also create
wiki templates from the wiki creation wizard.  The Wiki Stream can be
used to import large XARs and content from the Confluence wiki. The
Solr search UI has been polished: we added new facets and improved the
results display. The Solr index has been modified to support the
search for documents matching specific values in multiple object
properties and attachments. As a consequence you can now facet and
sort the search results based on property values and attachment meta
data. A lot of bug fixes (115) and many improvements (55) complete
this release and make it worth trying.

You can download it here:

Make sure to review the release notes:

-The XWiki dev team
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