Thanks for your help Thomas, 

I installed the LDAP Application to configure the sub wiki, which is working as 
expected. Another quick question, instead of pointing the search DN to a 
different OU for authentication, is it possible to instead limit login access 
to the users within a specific AD group? 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Thomas Mortagne" <> 
To: "XWiki Users" <> 
Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2013 12:27:47 AM 
Subject: Re: [xwiki-users] subwiki ldap authentication 

Yes you have only one xwiki.cfg which contains the default 
configuration for each wiki but "You can also setup the LDAP 
configuration in the XWiki.XWikiPreferences page by going to the 
object editor. Simply replace xwiki.authentication.ldap. with ldap_. 
For example xwiki.authentication.ldap.base_DN becomes ldap_base_DN." 

You can install 
which is doing exactly that (modifying XWikiPreferences page) in the 
wikis you want to modify. 

On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 12:52 AM, Kelly Steinke <> 
> Hi all, 
> I just recently upgraded to 5.3 and have now created a sub wiki for the first 
> time. My main wiki is configured to authenticate using LDAP and has a base 
> search DN set to an OU called "AllUsers". In Active Directory the AllUsers OU 
> contains several sub OU's which separate users according to branch, 
> department ect. Having the LDAP set up to search the AllUsers OU allows for 
> anyone in our company to use the main wiki by logging in with their network 
> credentials and works great. 
> When I created the sub wiki, I went through the wizard and selected to only 
> have local users be available in it, as this sub wiki is to be used and 
> administrated by a specific department only. What I would like to achieve now 
> is to have the users of the sub wiki be authenticated using a different 
> search base than that of the main wiki (aka the OU that contains only users 
> for that department). 
> So instead of using the following, which is defined in the xwiki.cfg: 
> xwiki.authentication.ldap.base_DN=OU=All Users,DC=mycompanyt,DC=com 
> The sub wiki would use this for authentication: 
> xwiki.authentication.ldap.base_DN=OU=Accounting,OU=myBranch,OU=All 
> Users,DC=mycompanyt,DC=com 
> I read in the documentation " Use cases of configuration to authenticate 
> users with LDAP " that each wiki in a multiwiki environment can have its own 
> LDAP configuration, however I am unable to determine how to do this, as there 
> is only one xwiki.cfg file that contains my LDAP configuration and there is 
> no mention of any LDAP settings in the xwiki.preferences page of the sub 
> wiki. 
> any help is greatly appreciated! 
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Thomas Mortagne 
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