
Thanks for your reply. 
I placed the in the extra params like so: 

'extraParams': '&assignee=$' 
Printing to screen $ does show 'test' as the value, 
unfortunately my livetable is still showing blank results. However when I 
replace the $ with the hard-coded value 'test' like 

'extraParams': '&assignee=test' 
the livetable shows the correct results. This seems like very strange behaviour 
to me and I cannot seem to get this filter working. Even though I set the "List 
of Users" value to the currently logged in user with $context.user, I cannot 
seem to filter the table with any of the $context variables. 

Any other ideas? 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Marius Dumitru Florea" <> 
To: "XWiki Users" <> 
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2014 2:26:44 AM 
Subject: Re: [xwiki-users] LivetableResults filter query 

Try $ 

Hope this helps, 

On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 1:01 AM, Kelly Steinke <> wrote: 
> I have a Subwiki where I have created a Live Table called Active Tasks and I 
> have been trying to filter the results based on two properties status and 
> assignee. As defined in the TaskManagerClass, status is a database list and 
> assignee is a list of users (local subwiki users). I have defined the live 
> table like so: 
> #set ($columnsProperties = { 
> 'number': {"type":"number","size":10}, 
> 'doc.title': {"type":"text","size":20,"link":"view"}, 
> 'project': {"type":"list","size":10}, 
> 'status': {"type":"list","size":10}, 
> 'severity': {"type":"list","size":10}, 
> 'reporter': {"type":"text","size":10,"html":true}, 
> 'assignee': {"type":"text","size":10,"html":true}, 
> 'duedate': {"type":"text","size":10}, 
> '_actions': 
> {"sortable":false,"filterable":false,"html":true,"actions":["edit","delete"]} 
> }) 
> #set ($options = { 
> 'className': 'TaskManager.TaskManagerClass', 
> 'resultPage': 'TaskManagerCode.MyActiveTasksLiveTableResults', 
> 'translationPrefix': 'taskmanager.livetable.', 
> 'tagCloud': true, 
> 'rowCount': 15, 
> 'maxPages': 10, 
> 'selectedColumn': 'number', 
> 'defaultOrder': 'asc' 
> }) 
> #set ($columns = ['number', 'doc.title', 'project', 'status', 'severity', 
> 'reporter', 'assignee', 'duedate', '_actions']) 
> #livetable('myActiveTasks' $columns $columnsProperties $options) 
> In the resultPage I have the following code: 
> {{include document="XWiki.LiveTableResultsMacros" /}} 
> {{velocity wiki="false"}} 
> #gridresultwithfilter("$!request.classname" $request.collist.split(",")", 
> StringProperty as statusprop ", " and and 
>'status' and statusprop.value not in ('Done')" ) 
> {{/velocity}} 
> This successfully displays the live table and filters it showing all tasks 
> that have a status other than "Done". I cannot however successfully get the 
> results to also filter based on the currently logged in user. In the 
> TaskManagerClass sheet I have set the assignee property automatically using 
> $context.user when a new entry is made. I have tried to filter the table at 
> the definition using the extraparams option like so: 
> ' extraParams' : '&assignee=$context.User ', 
> however when this is added the table does not display any entries. Upon 
> further investigation I found that when I display what is in the 
> $context.user, it shows as " XWiki.test " (test being the name of the user I 
> created for testing). The strange thing is that when I change the extraParams 
> option to be ' extraParams' : '&assignee=test ' then it works. This means 
> that when I set the default property in the List of Users with the same 
> function ($context.user), that it set it as test as opposed to XWiki.test. I 
> also tried using $context.localUser in the extraParams however that also 
> displays as XWiki.test. 
> Does this have to do with how the "List of Users" control on the class form 
> is storing the value from $context.user? How can I filter this live table on 
> the currently logged in user. I have tried to add another object to my where 
> clause in the gridreslutwithfilter() call, however I was unsuccessful. If 
> anyone can help me out with that query or with using the extraParams I would 
> greatly appreciate it. 
> Regards, 
> Kelly 
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