
Currently the include macro doesn’t support loading a page in a language other 
than the current language used to display the current page.

If you’re in a “de” page and that page uses the include macro, the included 
content will be in “de” too.

Do I understand correctly that you’d like something like this:
* you’re on a “de” page A using the include macro to include page B
* you’d like that the content of page B that is included is for example in “en” 
(but no in “de” which is the language page A is displayed in



On 3 Feb 2014 at 23:03:58, Matthias Wegner (mic.mat.weg...@web.de) wrote:

Hi All,  

i have some pages in Locale de and en. I want to use another page with the  
include macro to load a set of defined pages in one language (or with a  
default language, when the other is not set). Is that possible?  

You know a similar solution if the include macro could not be used?  


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