Hi Pascal,

Does it work with 
http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Remove+Document+History ?


On 8 Jul 2014 at 10:29:13, Pascal BASTIEN 
(pbasnews-xw...@yahoo.fr(mailto:pbasnews-xw...@yahoo.fr)) wrote:

> Hello,
> I need some help with my velocity script.
> I try to remove history of pages on a space.
> This code work well for a page:
> {{velocity}}
> $xwiki.getDocument('BacASable.TestPage3').getDocument().resetArchive($context.context)
> {{/velocity}}
> but my script fail when I launch this one to remove history of all BacASable 
> space Page
> {{velocity}}
> #foreach ($docName in $xwiki.getSpaceDocsName("BacASable"))
> $xwiki.getDocument("BacASable.$docName").getDocument().resetArchive($context.context)
> * history of "BacASable.$docName" removed
> #end
> {{/velocity}}
> I obtain this error:
> Caused by: org.hibernate.NonUniqueObjectException: a different object with 
> the same identifier value was already associated with the session: 
> [com.xpn.xwiki.doc.rcs.XWikiRCSNodeInfo#com.xpn.xwiki.doc.rcs.XWikiRCSNodeId@2ff3ff58[docId=9026427162423984573,version=4.1]]
> Any ideas what's I'm doing wrong? Thxs
> Note: deletion of WebHome history doessn't work:
> $xwiki.getDocument('BacASable.WebHome').getDocument().resetArchive($context.context)
> Pascal B (on Xwiki 6.0)
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