Hi Edy,

thanks for your message. From a forward-looking standpoint, I 100% agree
with you that switching XWiki to case-insensitive would be a good thing to
do. I've seen others (as well as myself) be lost because they were going to
.../xwiki/bin/view/Main/Xyy instead of .../xwiki/bin/view/Main/XYY and
vice-versa. If we were to make the decision today, I can't see a good
reason why not to go case-insensitive, especially when targeting business

However we're not starting from a blank slate. There might be (I don't know
that there is, but there might be) legitimate use cases for a page named
"Xyy" vs a page named "XYY", both in the same wiki. I'd like to have a
better idea of the consequences of this change, as well an analysis of a
public site such as xwiki.org to see whether this could be causing
unforeseen and other unexpected issues. In other words: what could go wrong?



On Fri, Nov 7, 2014 at 11:33 AM, Eduard Moraru <enygma2...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi users and devs,
> I would like to have your opinion on the topic of case sensitive vs case
> insensitive and which one you prefer in XWiki.
> Currently, XWiki is case sensitive. This means the same resource name
> (document name, space name, etc) can be written with either small letters
> or big letters or a mix.
> Examples: You can have both "Main.Test" and "Main.test" as 2 different
> documents. Also, you can have "XWiki.Admin" and "XWiki.admin" as 2
> different users. This also applies to URLs, as "/Main/Test" is different
> from "/Main/test" or "/main/test", so all these 3 are different resources.
> Even from this short description, one can already identify possible
> problems of this approach.
> From the top 3 operating systems (Linux, Mac an Windows), only Linux is
> case sensitive, the other two (more user-focused Operating Systems) are
> both case insensitive.
> Since XWiki has one of its main targets the Enterprise users, it is safe to
> assume that the correct approach would be to also be more user-focused and
> simplify things and avoid confusions by being case insensitive as well.
> Also, a quick search on existing issues validates the need for this
> improvement:
> http://jira.xwiki.org/issues/?jql=text%20~%20%22case%20insensitive%22
> What do you think? Is it OK to keep XWiki case sensitive, or would you
> prefer it case insensitive? Bring arguments.
> I have also created a jira issue for this idea:
> http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-11412 to track it in the future.
> Thanks,
> Eduard
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