I wrote:
> [...] I'd like to perform a simple check that I can access the file (by 
> returning the file size and a line-by-line echo) using a velocity script:
> {{velocity}}
> #if ($request.addFile == "true")
>   {{info}}Request received to add file{{/info}}
>   #set ($fileUpload = $xwiki.fileupload)
>   #set ($newFileName = $fileUpload.getFileName("newfile"))
>   #if (!$newFileName)
>     {{warn}}Failed to find submitted file{{/warn}}
>   #else
>     Found file $newFileName to load
>     #set ($discard = $fileUpload.loadFileList())
>     #set ($fileitem = $fileUpload.getFileItems().get(0))
It was this last line, which I'd lifted from the script in OfficeImporter, that 
was causing the bother. The index of the file I wanted was 1, not 0.

Move along now, nothing to see...
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