
Could we have some screenshot on to see how 
it looks?


On 10 Mar 2015 at 16:54:30, Thomas Mortagne 
( wrote:

> Hi xwikiers,
> I finally started an extension that I want to start since a very long
> time now: an extension where to put extensions related tricks that are
> either not polished enough or too dangerous to put in the standard
> Extension Manager UI.
> You can find it on
> and you can installed it with Extension Manager of course ;) I tested
> it mostly on 6.4.2 but it's using APIs that are supposed to exist
> since 4.0.
> It does not contain much yet but I will put more things I have in mind
> when I have some time and don't hesitate to add scripts you made for
> your needs here and there.
> --
> Thomas Mortagne
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