
We don’t plan to release a 7.0.1, since we usually only release bug fixes for 
LTS releases (see http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Support). 

However the changes are already in 7.1M1 which is going to be released around 
4th of May 2015.  


On 27 Apr 2015 at 09:06:15, ICLED 

> 10 days ago you released 6.4.4 we a few important bug fixes. I now want to
> switch from 5.2.1 to 7.0, but I am waiting for the fixes in 6.4.4 to be
> included in 7.0. When do you plan to release 7.0.1? And many thanks for an
> excellent product!

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