Thanks very much.
It works for me now!

在 15/12/15 上午12:35,“users 代表 Marius Dumitru Florea”< 代表> 写入:

>This works for me:
>{{documentTree hierarchyMode="parentchild" showTranslations="false"
>root="document:xwiki:Sandbox.WebHome" openTo="document:Sandbox.SubPage2" /}}
>This too:
>{{documentTree hierarchyMode="parentchild" showTranslations="false"
>showSpaces="true" root="space:xwiki:Sandbox"
>openTo="document:Sandbox.SubPage2" /}}
>Note that the root must be specified as absolute reference for now, see
> . As for the value of openTo, you
>need to check what is the actual reference of the "SubPage2". It depends on
>how you created it. Check the path in the URL, after the /view/ segment.
>You may have to suffix ".WebHome" if you create SubPage2 as non-terminal
>page (default behaviour in XWiki 7.2+).
>Hope this helps,
>On Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 5:12 AM, KirbY ZhoU <> wrote:
>> Xwiki-7.3
>> For example:
>> My page hierarchy looks like:
>> Sandbox.WebHome
>>         TestPage1
>>         TestPage2
>>         TestPage3
>>                 SubPage1
>>                 SubPage2
>>                 SubPage3
>>                         SubPage3-1
>> I want to create a tree open to 'SubPage2'
>> So the tree should like:
>> *Sandbox.WebHome
>> ** TestPage1
>> ** TestPage2
>> ** TestPage3
>> *** SubPage1
>> *** SubPage2
>> *** SubPage3
>> I have a lot of code such like:
>> {{documentTree root="space:Sandbox" showRoot="false"
>> showTranslations="false" hierarchyMode="parentchild"
>> openTo="document:Sandbox.SubPage1"/}}
>> {{documentTree root="space:Sandbox" showRoot="false"
>> showTranslations="false" hierarchyMode="parentchild"
>> openTo="document:Sandbox.TestPage3.SubPage1"/}}
>> But none of it works; the tree view user seen is always NOT expanded! It
>> has just one level:
>> *Sandbox.WebHome
>> My user have to expand the tree hand by hand.
>> Anyone can help me?
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